2009年3月3日 星期二


China is now the world’s leading consumer of wheat, rice, meat, coal, fertilizers, steel, and cement, and it is second largest consumer of oil after the United States. China leads the world in consumption of goods such as television sets, cell phones, refrigerators, and soon personal computers. By 2020, China is projected to be the world’s largest producer and consumer of cars and to have the world’s leading economy in terms of GDP-PPP.
中國現下是世界小麥,大米,肉,煤,肥料,鋼和水泥的主要消費者, 並且這在美國之後是油的第二大的消費者。 中國領導在貨物的消耗(例如電視機,移動電話,雪櫃和不久個人計算機)的世界。 到2020,中國計畫世界大生產者和汽車的消費者並且用國內生產總值-PPP模式有世界主要經濟。

